Winter time is great because it's a good time for fishing. Ice fishing in particular presents a unique opportunity to catch fish normally found in remote, deep water areas. Although ice fishing requires a bit of work and preparation, the results make up for all that hassle because you get fresh fish anytime without going to a market or restaurant.
Fishing during the winter is a great experience you should try to have. But first, it requires thorough preparation. Why? Well, winter conditions are not as forgiving as summer times because there's ice and snow everywhere. Since you're going to be on top of that cold water for a long time, here are the things you need to prepare:
In this article, we'll discuss ice fishing and in particular, the best ice fishing places in the US.

Ice Fishing Gear
You don't have to spend a lot of money for your gear because you can get everything you need from a local store near you. Here are some of the things on our list:
- A portable fish house or shelter
- A portable stove
- Ice Augers
- Nets and Bait Bucket
- Ropes
Ice fishing places in the US vary greatly which means you'll have to put into consideration several factors before deciding where to go. Here are some of the things you need to consider:
1. Location
Where is your location? Usually, the best ice fishing places are in northern states. You can do some research online or ask around to find out good spots for ice fishing.
2. Time
What time of the year you're going? Different fish species are available during different times of the year, so you need to check first which months offer ideal conditions for fishing.

3. Budget
How much are you willing to spend? If you're not concerned with the price, then there are plenty of ice fishing places where you can fish for free. There are also some spots which charges a small fee for entrance or usage.
4. Weather
What kind of weather you'll be facing? You don't want to pick a place which has extreme weather conditions or is known for its bad storms. Make sure you choose a spot with the least amount of wind, otherwise, it'll be very hard to control your shelter.

5. Time
How much time are you willing to spend fishing? Remember that ice fishing requires preparation and effort too aside from hiring guides or buying gear. You can always go to public fishing areas where you just pay for the entrance fee and not the guides.
These are just some of the things you need to consider before booking your trip or looking for ice fishing places in the US. It is important that you do your research first because it'll make everything easier, especially when it comes to planning and budgeting.
Now that you already have a rough idea where to start looking for the best ice fishing places in the US