Choosing the right fishing line for tuna is not difficult. By following a few simple steps and tips you can find just what you need in any tackle shop and be on your way to heading out to sea in no time.
When choosing fishing line for yellowfin tuna, several factors come into play when determining the best choice. The following guide will help make your decision an easy one.
Choosing Fishing Line For Yellowfin Tuna
The first thing you should know when choosing fishing line for yellowfin tuna is the characteristics of the species itself. What do they look like? How big are they? What types of water will they be found in? These factors all play a part in determining what you will need to battle the fish of a lifetime.

For most anglers, fishing for yellowfin tuna means an open ocean experience. The water is deep and clear, and they inhabit waters that are often free of obstructions such as vegetation or structure. This makes monofilament line choice the most logical option since it is strong and reasonably invisible when submerged.
Monofilament line breaks down in saltwater over time and if knotted, the knot will weaken and pull apart more easily. This means you should always bring extra line in case of a break and be prepared to re-tie your knots before every fight with a tuna. Six to eight pound test is ideal for most anglers fishing for yellowfin tuna.
Another aspect of choosing the right line is taking a look at your rod and reel. When choosing a rod, look for one with backbone that will handle the strong runs of a large tuna without snapping or becoming severely bent out of shape. The last thing you want to do is lose a big fish because of equipment failure.
The reel you use is equally as important as the rod. A good quality, large arbor spinning reel with a smooth drag system is ideal for fighting these fish on monofilament line. This way you will be able to easily cast your line and keep it from tangling on itself as well as quickly retrieve line if needed.

Choosing the right fishing line for yellowfin tuna is important if you want to be successful. Once you have decided on your equipment, visiting your local tackle shop is the next step. There are many different brands of fishing line available and with a little advice here and there it won't take long for you to find just what you need.
Just remember, when choosing fishing line for yellowfin tuna, you want something strong and capable of handling the job. Another thing to keep in mind is that most fish will be caught on monofilament line rather than braided or fluorocarbon because it's simply less visible underwater. Also the heavier pound test lines are preferred over lighter test lines because they will increase your chances of landing a big fish and provide the additional strength needed to ensure they don't snap your line.