Cobia are one of sport fish that very popular among anglers.This kind of fish is famous to its great-tasting meat. However, before you cancatch this type of fish, you need to prepare all equipment needed like fishingrod for cobia.
Choose Right Fishing Rod For Cobia
Choosing fishing rod for cobia can be a challenging task.There are many things to take into account when making the choice, here aresome of them:
1. Rod Power and Action
When choosing fishing rod for cobia, it is important toconsider its power and action as those two will determine how easy it is toland the fish. The power of rod is usually classified into three types whichare light, medium and heavy. The best fishing rod for Cobia is the one withmedium heavy power. Meanwhile, action of a rod refers to how stiff or soft itis. This type of information can be found on the packaging label but if youdon't find any available then you can ask someone about that or just google it.
2. Rod Length
Cobia is a fish that will grow up to a maximum of 7 feet,however the average length is 4 - 6 feet. Therefore, rod with medium heavypower and length around 6 feet will be a great choice for this type of fish.
3. Material and Type
When choosing fishing rod for cobia, you should consider thematerial and type of the rod. The best rod is usually made from high-gradegraphite or fiberglass material. You should also consider other additionalfeature like anti-corrosion and water resistant that will help to protect therod and make it last longer.

4. Guides and Connections
Make sure that the fishing rod for cobia you choose has agood quality guide and connection. The most common type of connection isstainless steel which is very durable. Meanwhile, guide should be made fromaluminum oxide to provide smooth line movement for more sensitivity andprotection from being nicked or cut by the braided line.
5. Handles and Reel Seat
Fishing rod for cobia should also have a good quality handleand reel seat. The best type of handle is graphite or cork one since those twoare light, comfortable and durable. Meanwhile, the reel seat should be madefrom stainless steel material to make it strong and long-lasting.
6. Price
The last thing you should consider when choosing the bestfishing rod for cobia is its price. You need to make sure that you can affordit before actually buying one, but do not worry as there are many optionsavailable with affordable price out there.

Best Fishing Rod For Cobia
There are three best fishing rod recommended for this typeof fish.
1. Ugly Stick II CS Saltwater Spinning Combo - 6' MediumHeavy Rod and Reel Combination
The first best fishing rod for cobia is the Ugly Stick II CSSaltwater Spinning Combo - 6' Medium Heavy Rod and Reel Combination that willwork to land a big Cobia. This rod has a medium heavy power, great for makinglong cast and bringing in big fish. It is also has an aluminum oxide guidesthat will make the line smoothly run through it for more sensitivity,protecting braided lines from being nicked or cut.
2. St. Croix Triumph Spinning Combo - 6'6" Medium Heavy

The second best fishing rod for cobia is the St. CroixTriumph Spinning Combo - 6'6" Medium Heavy that will help you to land bigfish like Cobia easily thanks to its medium heavy power. This kind of fishingrod also has high grade SCII graphite material which make it strong anddurable, it will also don't have warp even when under stress or pressure.
3. Ugly Stik GX2 Spinning Combo - 6'10" Medium Heavy
The last best fishing rod for cobia is the Ugly Stik GX2Spinning Combo - 6'10" Medium Heavy that will be your buddy in catchingany types of fish. This rod has a medium heavy power and is made from graphitematerial that make it strong and durable. It also has double-footed stainlesssteel guide which will help you to land big one like Cobia easily.
Cobia is known as a very interesting fish to catch becauseof their strength and size. They show up in many places, but sometimes it canbe challenging to find cobia especially if you don't know where to look forthem. Some people will use fishing rods to catch cobia, but if you don't knowwhat is the best fishing rod for cobia, it can be hard to make a decision. Ihave just given some information about fishing rod for cobia which hopefullycan help you to make the best decision when choosing one. Thanks for readingand good luck!